Monongahela Incline

Riding the Monongahela Incline in Pittsburgh

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I was born and raised not far outside of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. My family and friends and I thus visited the city often, whether for Steelers games or to introduce a new friend to the area. When I introduce someone to Pittsburgh for the first time, I always recommend riding the Monongahela Incline. It offers a beautiful overlook of the city at the top, and I also enjoy pointing out certain familiar attractions in the distance. Back in 2018 I road tripped from Pennsylvania to California with a couple of friends, and this was our first stop! 

After riding the Monongahela incline, my friends and I then headed to West Virginia on our road trip to check out some natural wonders. For example, we explored underground at the Lost World Caverns and hiked to three waterfalls at Falls of Hills Creek.


1) Location of Monongahela Incline in Pittsburgh

2) Hours of Operation and Tickets

3) Quick Facts

4) Riding the Monongahela Incline in Pittsburgh

5) Attractions At the Top 

6) Another Option: Duquesne Incline


1) Location of Monongahela Incline in Pittsburgh

One of the most classic and popular attractions in Pittsburgh is the Monongahela Incline. At the top visitors enjoy an unobstructed view of the city from multiple viewpoints. The lower station is located on West Carson Street while the upper station is on Wyoming Street in the Mt. Washington neighborhood. 

Did you know that there is a national park only a couple of hours outside of the city of Pittsburgh? Cuyahoga National Park is located just south of Cleveland, Ohio. It is close enough that you only need to plan a day trip to explore.


There is plenty of parking available if you start your ride on the incline from the lower station. First, you can look for street parking. However, there is not too much so you might be looking for a needle in a haystack. Second, you can park at one of the various garages or surface lots along the water. For example, there is the Station Square Parking Garage as well as east and west surface lots for Station Square Parking. 

On the other hand, there is less parking available at the upper station. You will most likely need to find street parking if you begin your incline ride from here. 

Nearby Lodging

If you are staying in the city of Pittsburgh for the whole weekend, then you will need to reserve lodging accommodations. You can check out options in Mount Washington specifically as well as in Pittsburgh in general. 

Nearby Airport

The closest airport is the Pittsburgh International Airport, which is only 25 minutes west. You can either rent a car from the Pittsburgh airport and drive to the Monongahela Incline or take public transportation. 

Pennsylvania Monongahela Incline

View of Pittsburgh from the Monongahela Incline viewpoint


2) Hours of Operation and Tickets

Visitors can ride the incline at any time from 5:30am to 12:45am from Monday to Saturday. However, there are limited hours of operation on Sunday from 8:45am to 12:00am. In addition to tourists riding the incline for a view, locals use it as public transportation to and from work. 

In terms of ticket prices, a round trip fare costs $3.50 while a one-way fare costs $2.50 for adults. Children, individuals with disabilities, and older citizens receive discounted fares. Additionally, the incline accepts ConnectCard for payment. Check out their site for more information.

Monongahela Incline

Another angle of the city from the Monongahela Incline viewpoint


3) Quick Facts – Monongahela Incline, Pittsburgh

1. The Monongahela Incline is located in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. The lower station is on West Carson Street and the upper station is on Wyoming Street. 

2. Hours of operation for the incline are 5:30am to 12:45am from Monday to Saturday. However, Sunday has limited hours from 8:45am to 12:00am.

3. A round trip fare for an adult costs $3.50.

4. The Monongahela Incline climbs approximately 400 feet at six miles per hour. 

5. There are three viewpoints as well as a variety of restaurants at the top of the incline. 


4) Riding the Monongahela Incline in Pittsburgh

First off, those with a fear of heights might not fully enjoy riding the Monongahela incline. While all visitors ride within an enclosed car, it does travel almost 400 feet in elevation. 

Accessing the incline is fairly easy. We entered the building, bought our tickets at the machines, and then walked right up to the doors. There are three different levels to the car. We chose to sit in the bottom section because it has the best view. While we waited for the car to arrive, we made sure to stand back against the wall. It is important to leave room for those exiting the cars. As soon as the car arrived and all previous passengers exited, we entered and then enjoyed the ride. 

The ride only takes a couple of minutes as it climbs approximately 367 feet at six miles per hour (~9.7 kph). Once at the top, exit and feel free to explore!

While the Monongahela Incline leads to one of the most popular viewpoints in Pittsburgh, the New River Gorge Bridge Overlook offers one of the most popular viewpoints in the state of West Virginia.

Pennsylvania Incline

Getting ready to board the Monongahela Incline


5) Attractions At the Top

There are three viewpoints visitors can walk to at the top of the Monongahela Incline. First is the Patrick T. Fagan overlook. Second is the Pittsburgh Skyline overlook and third is the Paul F. Jones overlook. Each offers a view of the city from above. See if you can spot Heinz Field or try to count how many bridges are in sight.

Additionally, there are a variety of restaurants and other food options. The restaurants include Shiloh Gastro, RedBeard’s Bar and Grill, and Sloppy Joe’s. On the other hand, for those craving something a little sweeter, check out Grandview Bakery or DiFiore’s Ice Cream Delite.

Pennsylvania Incline viewpoint

Enjoying the views (in a bit of chilly weather)!


6) Another Option: Duquesne Incline

What is better than one incline in Pittsburgh? Two inclines in Pittsburgh! The Duquesne Incline is located on West Carson Street, just a few minutes west of the Monongahela Incline. Furthermore, there is a viewpoint as well as multiple restaurants at the top. 


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Check out a popular hike in nearby West Virginia: Endless Wall Trail near New River Gorge.

Or head to a nearby national park: Blue Hen Falls in Cuyahoga National Park.

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  • Amanda
    Posted at 17:43h, 08 June Reply

    This looks like such a fun way to explore the city! What a good recommendation.

    • Alaina Thomas
      Posted at 15:59h, 11 June Reply

      Glad you liked the post! It is one of the best ways to see Pittsburgh, and it is a classic attraction – a must-do when in the city.

  • Elyse
    Posted at 11:08h, 06 June Reply

    Thank you for sharing this information, the view looks amazing.

    • Alaina Thomas
      Posted at 15:50h, 11 June Reply

      You are welcome! This is arguably the best view of the city of Pittsburgh that you can find.

  • Leah
    Posted at 09:13h, 06 June Reply

    The views look amazing, I would love to visit one day. Thank you for such an in-depth guide.

    • Alaina Thomas
      Posted at 15:49h, 11 June Reply

      The views are quite incredible! I hope you are able to visit soon.

  • Bea Pinnegar
    Posted at 23:58h, 05 June Reply

    Thanks for this wonderful guide! I had never heard of Monongahela Incline – it looks super interesting! Definitely saving this post for later 🙂

    • Alaina Thomas
      Posted at 15:49h, 11 June Reply

      You are so welcome! It is definitely one of Pittsburgh’s classic attractions, so you will have to visit next time you are in the area.

  • ildiko
    Posted at 20:08h, 05 June Reply

    I love Pittsburgh and actually lived there for about 6 weeks. Sadly I totally missed the Monongahela incline. The view from the top is spectacular. Thanks for sharing all the great details.

    • Alaina Thomas
      Posted at 23:19h, 05 June Reply

      Wow, amazing to hear you lived there for a short period of time! It sounds like you will just have to make a trip back and include the incline on your list of things to do.

  • Gail
    Posted at 08:32h, 05 June Reply

    Monongahela Incline looks like an awesome activity and I’m sure the views are amazing! Thank you for sharing. 🙂

    • Alaina Thomas
      Posted at 23:19h, 05 June Reply

      You are welcome! The views are quite gorgeous (though I am a little biased since I grew up just outside of Pittsburgh).

  • Jennifer Record
    Posted at 07:47h, 05 June Reply

    I appreciate the honesty about the height.. I would send my family up and meet them later in the day 🙂 The views are impressive.

    • Alaina Thomas
      Posted at 23:18h, 05 June Reply

      Haha you could even drive up to meet them at the top! Then you can still enjoy the views as well.

  • Jenn
    Posted at 20:59h, 04 June Reply

    I never realized Pittsburg had a funicular rail system! This would be such a great activity for a date night out! Thanks for sharing this unique activity.

    • Alaina Thomas
      Posted at 23:17h, 05 June Reply

      Glad you enjoyed the article! It is the perfect activity, and then you can even grab dinner at a restaurant at the top (and of course some ice cream afterwards).

  • Lisa | Waves and Cobblestones
    Posted at 20:01h, 04 June Reply

    I enjoy taking funiculars in Europe — didn’t know that we had their equivalent in Pittsburgh! I appreciate anything that allows me to enjoy the view — without hiking up a ton of stairs!

    • Alaina Thomas
      Posted at 23:17h, 05 June Reply

      Yes, it is definitely nice you can ride in a little car instead of hiking all of those stairs! That would be quite a workout.

  • Hannah
    Posted at 17:30h, 04 June Reply

    I love heights and being on high views that overlook cities! This looks like something I would enjoy. And yes to restaurants and ice cream too!

    • Alaina Thomas
      Posted at 23:16h, 05 June Reply

      The high views overlooking a city are the best. I will take those any day over being downtown in the city and looking up at skyscrapers.

  • Josy A
    Posted at 16:19h, 04 June Reply

    Yeees the best sights are always up high, so I love the sound of both of those inclines for the best views in Pittsburgh! It’s a bargain price for the cool experience and views isn’t it!

    • Alaina Thomas
      Posted at 23:16h, 05 June Reply

      It really is a bargain. That beautiful view is worth much more than just a couple of dollars, so everyone should jump at the chance to experience it.

  • Anita
    Posted at 14:42h, 04 June Reply

    I love getting up and seeing the viewa from high above. So I find your tips for getting there very useful. Thanks for sharing!

    • Alaina Thomas
      Posted at 23:15h, 05 June Reply

      You are welcome! Hopefully you are able to visit one day.

  • Lasma
    Posted at 13:47h, 04 June Reply

    Very nice article, all the information to visit the Monongahela is provided and I feel inspired to visit! Pittsburgh looks lovely!

    • Alaina Thomas
      Posted at 23:15h, 05 June Reply

      I definitely recommend a visit to Pittsburgh one day if you have the chance! Some of its nicknames are the Steel City, City of Bridges, etc.

  • Pastor Natalie (ExamineThisMoment)
    Posted at 22:40h, 12 March Reply

    Thank you for sharing your experience riding the Monongahela. The view sounds amazing. It looks like it was a lot of fun. 😊
    Pastor (ExamineThisMoment)

    • Alaina Thomas
      Posted at 14:57h, 15 March Reply

      The view was quite incredible! If you have not visited the city of Pittsburgh before, I highly recommend riding the incline to see the city from above.

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